Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mitch Albom speaks the truth about healing :)

** And line with what Albom says about moving on, in order to continue transforming and evolving (in general and through ED recovery), one must continue to do the new unfamiliar thing instead of the old stagnating and life-blocking thing. My cousin reminded me of this very important truth earlier this week. For instance, you might remind yourself that you deserve to live free of roles and engagements that in induce fear and shame; you deserve to live free of roles that do not serve you in self-compassionate living. Do your aspirations and daily-doings involve patience? Keep them. Do they encourage you to self-validate? Keep them. Try to work on working through and letting go of the other stuff. This is what I have been telling myself today. It's much, much, much easier said than done. But, I believe it works. I believe in me, and I believe in you.

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